Recent & Upcoming Talks


Metrical Irregularities and Polymetric Structures in Hugo Distler's Vocal Works: Towards a Digital Corpus Study of 'Der Jahrkreis' op. 5
„Zeitgemäß polyphon“. Zur Kodierung und Modellierung von Polymetrik und metrischer Irregularität in Hugo Distlers Vokalwerken
Digitale Korpusbildung in der Musikforschung: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für die quantitative Analyse von Musikeditionsvarianten
Digital Paths Through History: Phylogenetic Analysis of Medieval Chants based on the Graduale Synopticum Dataset
Cross-cultural modeling of the evolution of harmony in popular music
After Digitization: Computational Modeling and Analysis of Medieval Chant
Our themed session presents three projects with this ambition in mind. We showcase examples of computational modeling for chant analysis and report the gains and losses obtained during our interdisciplinary discussions.
Computational Musicology - oxymoron or perfect fit?
Medieval Chant Lineages Unlocked: Leveraging Optical Music Recognition for Phylogenetic Analysis of Gregorian Proper
Encoding polymeters and metric irregularities in selected motets from Hugo Distler's Der Jahrkreis op. 5 using different music encoding formats
Künstliche Intelligenz und Musikwissenschaft
Künstliche Intelligenz und Musikwissenschaft
Fourier Qualia Wavescapes: Hierarchical Analyses of Set Class Quality and Ambiguity
Corpus Research and Choro: Potential and Challenges for Digital Methods


Virtual tonal spaces (VTS): towards an interactive digital environment for music theory
Virtual tonal spaces (VTS): towards an interactive digital environment for music theory
10 secret rules for a degree in DH - you won't believe no. 7!!
10 secret rules for a degree in DH - you won't believe no. 7!!
Historical Changes of Modes and their Substructure Modeled as Pitch Distributions in Plainchant from the 1100s to the 1500s
Historical Changes of Modes and their Substructure Modeled as Pitch Distributions in Plainchant from the 1100s to the 1500s
MonodiKit: A data model and toolkit for medieval monophonic chant
MonodiKit: A data model and toolkit for medieval monophonic chant
Communities in Medieval Troper Networks are Shaped by Carolingian Politics
Animated Harmonic Analysis Using DFT Phase Spaces and Coefficient Products
Animated Harmonic Analysis Using DFT Phase Spaces and Coefficient Products
Counting notes: Research questions and methods in music corpus studies
Inside or Outside: The Use of Chord, Scale and Chromatic Tones in Jazz Solo Improvisations
Inside or Outside: The Use of Chord, Scale and Chromatic Tones in Jazz Solo Improvisations
Korpusforschung und Digitale Edition: ein Plädoyer für stärkere Intradisziplinarität
Korpusforschung und Digitale Edition: ein Plädoyer für stärkere Intradisziplinarität
Music-Text Interlinking as a Challenge for Digital Encodings of Music-Theoretical Writings
Music-Text Interlinking as a Challenge for Digital Encodings of Music-Theoretical Writings
Töne zählen: Forschungsfragen und Methoden musikwissenschaftlicher Korpusstudien in historischer und epistemologischer Perspektive
Töne zählen: Forschungsfragen und Methoden musikwissenschaftlicher Korpusstudien in historischer und epistemologischer Perspektive
Musik Er-Zählen: Einblicke in die digitale Korpusforschung


Music Stylometry - the Case of Choro
midiVERTO: A web-based tool to make computational music analysis more accessible
midiVERTO: A web-based tool to make computational music analysis more accessible
Music Theory and the Discrete Fourier Transform
Music Theory and the Discrete Fourier Transform


The Science of Music
The Science of Music
Digitizing a 19th-Century Music Theory Debate for Computational Analysis
Digitizing a 19th-Century Music Theory Debate for Computational Analysis
Die Entwicklung der tonalen Sprache in Beethovens Streichquartetten: Eine vergleichende Korpusstudie der Schaffensphasen
Modeling perceived tonal stability of individual and aggregated listener responses for scales and cadences
Individual perception of diatonic scales predicts perceived tonal fit in octatonic and hexatonic contexts
Discovering the line of fifths in a large historical corpus
Discovering the line of fifths in a large historical corpus


The importance of modeling in computational musicology
The importance of modeling in computational musicology
Tonality: Perspectives of historical musicology and corpus studies
Tonality: Perspectives of historical musicology and corpus studies
Workshop: Analyzing musical pieces on the Tonnetz using the pitchplots Python library
Workshop: Analyzing musical pieces on the Tonnetz using the pitchplots Python library
Workshop: Data-Driven Music History
Workshop: Data-Driven Music History
Computational Musicology and the Digital Humanities: Problems, Practices, and Prospects
Computational Musicology and the Digital Humanities: Problems, Practices, and Prospects


Harmony and Form in Brazilian Choro: A Corpus Study
A Maximum Likelihood Model for the Harmonic Analysis of Symbolic Music
Poster presented by Fabian C. Moss
Corpus Research in Digital Musicology
A Brief History of Tonality


Brazilian Choro: A New Data Set of Chord Transcriptions and Analyses of Harmonic and Formal Features
Formal Grammars and Ambiguity in Extended Tonality
Beethovens Streichquartette – ein XML-basierter Korpus harmonischer Analysen in einem neuen Annotationssystem
Musik und Sprache
Ambiguity, Illusion & Timelessness in Late and Post-Tonal Harmony (Panel Discussion)
Integrating transformational and hierarchical models of extended tonality
Emotional Associations Evoked by Structural Properties of Musical Scales and Abstract Visual Shapes
Beethoven's String Quartets: Introducing an XML-Based Corpus of Harmonic Labels Using a New Annotation System