Fabian C. Moss
Fabian C. Moss
Journal Club
corpus studies
MonodiKit: A data model and toolkit for medieval monophonic chant
We present MonodiKit, a Python library for the analysis and processing of medieval chant documents.
Tim Eipert
Fabian C. Moss
The line of fifths and the co-evolution of tonal pitch-classes
In this study, we determine the fundamental role of the line of fifths for the organization of tonal material by applying dimensionality reduction to a large historical corpus of pitch-class counts (ca. 1360–1940). We observe a historically growing trend in the exploitation of the fifths range, i.e. the size of segments that pitch-class distributions cover on the line of fifths. Moreover, we introduce the novel concept of pitch-class (co-)evolution.
Fabian C. Moss
Markus Neuwirth
Martin Rohrmeier
Digitizing the Dualism Debate (DDD)
The “dualism debate”, a ‘hot topic’ in 19th-century German music theory, is concerned with the mutual relationship of major and minor triads, specifically whether the minor triad is a mere derivative of the major triad or whether it can be derived from first principles on its own right. This project strives to reconstruct and critically evaluate the discursive relations within this debate by using the combined power of qualitative-historical and quantitative-numerical methods and thus serve to build methodological bridges between the humanities and the sciences.
Fabian C. Moss
François Bavaud
Colline Métrailler
Maik Köster
Melinda Femminis